Sunday 27 August 2023

Five Years Have Passed

 Sunday 27th August 2023

When I started this blog it was meant to be a tool to release some of the frustrations and anxiety I face in my battle with depression and I was always going to maintain the blog and update it regularly, but a lot has changed since I last wrote anything and I haven't been fishing for nearly 18 months.

We welcomed a new member to the family when my granddaughter Daisy was born almost 4 four years ago, Charlie was given the best news ever that he did not have to have anymore MRI scans and that his consultant said that there is 0% chance of the tumour making a return.  The magnitude of this news was, and is, immense and even writing it here has got me worried that it will in some way tempt fate.

Anyway, back to this.  I have toyed with the idea of scrapping the blog and starting again and not focus so much on fishing, maybe write about West Bromwich Albion or life in general, who knows.

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