Sunday 5 June 2016

It's Been Way Too Long.....

I was trying to remember the last time I sat on the bankside and lost myself in the age old contest between men and fish.  I was shocked when I realised that the last time I dangled a maggot was when I went to Cudmore at the start of May, and that despite making plans to go fishing, something had come up and scuppered my plans.  Over the last few weeks I have been rushing around doing favours for others, working away from home or extensively travelling back and forth to jobs with the end result being that I was too shattered to do anything much on weekends apart from sleep and try to catch up with myself.

This weekend Damian and Luke have gone on a works event to Snowdonia and have climbed up the mountain.  It wasn't for me, I don't seem to mix very well away from work except with those I trust implicitly like Damian and Luke, and the thought of being around some who went filled me with dread.  I've done Snowdon before but that was when I was a lot fitter and thinner so I told myself that it was the best that I didn't go, kind of making excuses to myself for again avoiding a social situation.  I guess that is one aspect of the depression that I am going to have to work on more.

I have decided that I will be going fishing tomorrow now, maybe to Dayhouse Farm or Hunnington, just to get away from the house for a few hours and find a bit of peace and quiet that only fishing gives you....

See you on the bankside....

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