Friday 5 February 2016

I Need To Get Back On The Bankside......

It was pointed out to me earlier this week that I haven't written any blogs recently and to be honest I hadn't really thought about it much.  I haven't been fishing for a few months due to the weather and the cold, though saying that I did give it a try on a couple of times.  I went to a couple of places on the local canal system, The Smethwick Engine Arm behind the old Rolfe Street fire station and under the bridge at Tat Bank Road on the stretch of canal from Titford Pools to the old Birmingham Main Line canal.  Both times I blanked and caught nothing even though I had listened to what others were posting on social media about baits, approaches and tactics, but I suppose when the fish aren't biting then you're not going to catch.

I've used the Winter months constructively though and watched a plethora of videos on YouTube, read the Anglers Handbook that my youngest son and his partner bought me for Xmas and tried to develop some new strategies for the Spring and Summer.  I have decided that I am going to have a couple of years fishing in the warmer months first and hone the skills I have learned before attempting to fish in the Autumn and Winter months because it seems to me that there are a totally different set of skills required for that time of year.

I have also looked at the kit I have and what I will require for the coming campaign, especially as I plan on going after a few bigger carp this Spring and try and raise my personal best from 6lb for a Common to a double figure lump and from 4lb for a Mirror to another double figure lump.  I have started getting my gear together and over the next few weeks will begin changing the line on my reels, restocking my hooks but include some size 12 and 14 this time round, having a look at different bait options and even trying a few chopped worms after I finally get round to digging my back garden.

Last year was very much a time for learning the basics, tying knots, how to and when to strike, reading conditions, where to fish and what bait to use.  This year I will continue to develop those skills, but widen my horizons as well and try to be more of an all round angler rather than a bumbling novice.  I have enough people around me whose knowledge and skills I can call upon, so in reality there should not be anything I cannot work on and improve.

As for the depression, well surprisingly that has diminished recently thanks, I believe, to fishing.  I went from a complete novice who knew nothing and ended the year going off solo and pushing myself to try new things and places.  Twelve months ago I would never have done anything like that and allowed my own self doubt and lack of confidence to overpower the desire to get out there and actually do it.  This has also been reflected in my work life as well and I am now starting to believe in myself there as well and started to grow in confidence.

There have been a few setbacks which did slow me in my tracks, note they only slowed me and did not stop me, but these were easily dealt with a little positive thought instead of reflection on the negatives.  One set back which did hurt was not being given the chance to be interviewed for the role of Lead Engineer at work.  I had been given a date and time for an interview, but due to having contracted the Hand, Foot & Mouth virus, I was unable to attend the original interview and was promised that I would get my interview when we returned from the Xmas break.  However, upon my return I was informed that the positions had been filled and I was not going to be given the interview now.  That really did knock me back but by applying a little self belief and positive thinking, I have decided that I will not be applying for any future posts, that I will remain a humble engineer and just play the system now and do just enough to be considered a good engineer.  I won't be training other engineers to do jobs, I won't be writing or compiling anymore procedural documents, I won't be working overtime and I won't be doing anything above and beyond like I have in the past.

This may sound petulant and childish, but I firmly believe that they have made a huge mistake but I'm afraid that knowing I am a much better engineer than those who have been given the roles, and as I am not a second draft person, I am not prepared to do anything other than the bare minimum for them now.  I'm not the sort who will accept being picked second or third time around so it may seem like I am cutting my nose off, but as long as I do just what it is I need to and no more or less then I'll be happy.

Anyway, that's enough of that, it's time to concentrate on the fishing to come....See you on the bankside...

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