Saturday 10 December 2016

The Problem Is.....

I was hoping that there would have been far more in the way of piscatorial adventures than I have had this year.  I would have liked to have been out on the bankside with far more frequency than I have managed this year so far but work has to come first in order to keep a roof over my head and food in the stomach.  There have been other factors which have not stopped me from getting out there, but have made the times when I have a little less enjoyable.  I seem to have lost the friendship of one of the group and their absence from the odd fishing trip I have managed to get out on has been very noticeable and saddened me.  I have to respect their decision though and feel to go into anything further would be disrespectful so I will leave it there.

This time last year I was thinking of stopping fishing for the Winter and planning my tactics and approaches for the warmer months.  I was reading whatever articles and blogs I could find and planning my adventures on the bankside with thoughts of breaking personal best records every trip but as Robert Burns said "the best laid schemes of mice and men often go awry".  I have managed a handful of excursions to the local fisheries and canals this year which is very disappointing and hopefully not something that I will repeat.

Luke has mentioned giving Winter fishing a go and a few other mates have said that they find the colder months far more productive when it comes to Roach, so maybe I will give the local canal a try before Spring arrives, it just depends on work.